Fulbright FLTA: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here are some questions that FLTAs typically ask. If you need other information, please let us know. We will be updating this as other questions are sent to us.
Q. How will I get from the airport/bus terminal to the hotel?
If you arrive Sunday, August 11, between 7:00 A.M. and 10:30 P.M. to the Syracuse Hancock International Airport or the William F. Walsh Regional Transportation Center, there is a free shuttle available to the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center. The shuttle arrives every 45 minutes during regular business hours. You will need to go outside of the hotel to the green glass shelter and look for the shuttle that says “Sheraton Syracuse Univrsity Hotel.” Please be sure to tip your driver about $1.00 cash per person per luggage. If you arrive between the hours of 11:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M., there will be a welcome table near the Baggage Claim Area B. There you will meet FLTA Orientation staff with refreshments that can help you.
If you arrive prior to 7:00 AM, we ask that you please wait until the shuttle service begins operation at 7:00 A.M. If you arrive after 10:30 PM, a taxi will be available to drive you to your destination. The cost of the taxi will have already been paid for; however, you are expected to tip your driver (about $5.00 total). If you arrive with two or three other FLTA students, you will be asked to share the taxi. Later in the summer, the FLTA orientation staff will be sending you information about any FLTAs who will be arriving Sunday, August 11, after 10:30 PM so that you will know what other FLTAs will be at the airport at that time.
Again, between the hours of 11:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M., there will be FLTA Orientation staff available at the airport to assist you. Look for the designated table by the Help Desk near the Baggage Claim Area B.
Q. When is check-in at the hotel?
Check-in is at 3:00 P.M. If you arrive earlier, you can still take the shuttle to the hotel and leave your bags with the concierge until 3:00 P.M. There are restaurants and shops very close by, and Syracuse University is within walking distance, so you’ll have plenty to occupy your time until then. FLTA orientation staff will be available at the hotel to assist you. Registration will also begin on Sunday throughout the day in the hotel lobby.
Q. What can I do if I arrive before the 11th?
You will need to make your own hotel arrangements. You can call the Sheraton to see if they have any available rooms, or you may contact another motel/hotel in the area. Please contact us (flta@syr.edu) for information if you need to arrive early.
Q. Is there WiFi available?
The Syracuse Hancock Interational Airport and the Sheraton Syracue University Hotel have free WiFi. You can access the WiFi as soon as you enter these spaces. There will also be special WiFi access for all FLTA participants that works on Syracuse University campus. More information will be provided upon your arrival.
Q. Are there websites where I can find Foreign Language teaching resources?
You can click here to find some resources that will provide useful research and information. More will be provided during the “Using Technology in Language Teaching” session. The link will also provide session material and videos once the orientation is complete.